Section 18A Receipts & Reporting by SARS Tax Exempt Institutions (TEI) Segment

Join us as we host facilitators from SARS for an education session via Zoom on Monday, 21 August. Learn about the changes and developments that affect Section 18A tax receipts, implications for NPO's and donors, as well as an explanation of the Audit Certificate. The presentation will cover - S18A Qualifying PBAs, S18A Enhanced Reporting Requirements, Accounting of S18A funds, Reporting of S18A funds to SARS, IT3(d) – S18A Third-Party Data, Q&A.
The education session aims to educate approved Section 18A institutions on:
- The qualifying S18A public benefit activities as set out in Part 2 of the Ninth Schedule.
- The enhanced reporting requirements as it relates to the issuing of S18A receipts.
- Accounting and reporting of S18A funds received by approved S18A institutions.
- The submission of S18A receipts data (IT3(d)) to SARS as third-party data
About the Speakers
Ms Rochnee Rivera Green has been with SARS for 16 years, of which 12 was spent as a Project Manager and the past 4 years within the Stakeholder Engagement, Communication and Education space. As a Project Manager, Ms Rivera Green was involved in numerous tax and customs modernisation projects.
Ms Mmabatho Namane worked as a graduate trainee with SARS for a period of 3 years and was later appointed as an Agent within the Tax Exemption Unit, as a team member within the internal and external Stakeholder Engagement, Communication and Education sub-segment.
Course Information
Date: Monday, 21 August 2023
Time: 09h00 To 11h30, including Q & A
Virtual: Zoom link will be sent to all approved registrations
Cost: FREE (limited spots available -reservations as received)
Register: Email to